Jovination Fan Forum
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Coming Soon -Paradise Lost
A Brand New Fiction written by Angela and Myself. The setting is between SSW and NJ era and the main focus is Jon and Richie.
The premise is What happens when two fairly wealthy girls meet two Rock stars in Paradise and the girls not having a clue who these men are and the craziness that follows.
Hope you're in for a wild and crazy ride in Paradise. !
Posted by Donna N. at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
Ugly~My Latest Endeavor
Ok I know the name has you wondering what in the world is this girl on about now , Well this is my latest writing endeavor. It is one that has been that I have been toying around for years and finally decided to go for it.
Posted by Donna N. at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jovi Sisterhood
We have all talked about the Brotherhood and how close our boys are well let me tell you the Jovi Sisterhood is just as tight ! Girls, Women who stick by you through thick and thin. good times and in bad. When I started Jovination going on 3 years ago I never dreamed of how much this was true. I have made such good friends thanks to Bon Jovi. But never in my wildest dreams did I realize just how tight this Sisterhood was until I went to visit my best friend and co-founder of Jovination Angela .
Posted by Donna N. at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Hello from Guttterland ! Jovination Happenings!
Wow! I just realized it has been since March since I last blogged. Talk about a slacker well guess thats me lol. What's been happening for the past three months , well I for one have been a busy beaver.
Between following the Circle Tour from its inception , doing pbp's for twitter , keeping up with our forum . We now have a website
A facebook page
To go with our official Twitter page
and our myspace
We have a nice little social network thanks to everyone involved --Without you or the boys we wouldn't exist!
Posted by Donna N. at 2:12 PM 0 comments